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Get State Specific Resources to Fight Back Against Trump's Tax Scam
This plan isn’t “tax reform.” It’s tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of our communities. Find out more by clicking on your state.
National Day of Action:
Monday, November 27
National Day of Action on Monday, November 27
For weeks, Indivisible groups have been showing up at congressional offices around the country to say no to the #TrumpTaxScam. On Monday, November 27, our whole national network will be showing up together to say that the #TrumpTaxScam would hurt our friends, our families and our country—and we’re not letting that happen without a fight.
Calls to Kill Trump's Tax Scam
We’re bringing back a super effective peer-to-peer calling tool from the TrumpCare fight so those from red states, blue states, and purple states alike can take action to stop this bill by reaching out to progressive constituents in three target states: Alaska, Arizona, and West Virginia. The calling tool will connect you to a constituent in a target state and give you a script to emphasize the devastating impact of this bill. Then, you’ll ask them to call their Senator on the spot.

The tax fight is next. Know the fundamentals.

The Trump Tax Scam: What Happens Next
Republicans in the Ways and Means Committee in the House have passed their version of the Trump Tax Scam. But this fight is far from over. Find out how we can stop the scam.
Want to learn more about Trump Tax Scam? If yes you can Learn from Experts on Mindvalley, who explain everything in detail.The Trump Tax Scam is tax cuts for the wealthy paid for by the rest of us.
The Trump Tax Scam is all about trade offs. One millionaire's tax cuts are paid for by the rest of us in the form of reduced services—find out more about those trade.
Republicans put TrumpCare in the Tax Scam
Republican leaders in the Senate released a new Senate version of the Trump Tax Scam that includes a repeal of the individual mandate. Repealing the individual mandate, which requires that every American have health insurance or pay a penalty, was the centerpiece of the Republicans’ failed effort to pass the “skinny repeal” bill in the Senate in July.
One thing is clear: the fight to stop TrumpCare is back. Here’s everything you need to know to get up to speed.
This is how we defeat the #TrumpTaxScam:
If we demonstrate widespread opposition to their bill from the beginning — if we show up, if we make calls, if we write letters to the editor, if we out organize them — we can control the narrative. We can, and we will, win.
Every Member of Congress is a target. We beat TrumpCare because we demonstrated a massive wave of opposition in every corner of the country. The Trump Tax Scam deserves the same level of attention from coast to coast and everywhere in between.

Corporations are Already Gaming the Tax System—Trump Wants to let them Pay Even Less.
In addition to giving a massive tax cut to wealthy individuals, the other half of the Trump Tax Scam is to give huge tax giveaways to corporations. These tax cuts will—just like the tax cuts on the individual side—flow almost exclusively to the wealthy.
Here are the Tax Cuts Donald Trump Wants to Give Himself and his Millionaire Friends.
Republicans will attempt to sell their tax plan in the vaguest possible terms: “tax cuts,” “relief for small business,” “tax reform." This plan isn’t “tax reform.” It’s tax cuts for the wealthy. This document explains each of the planned tax cuts for individuals, what it is, and who it helps.